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A set of utility functions for the MapQuest.js library.
The getCenterFromBoundingBox function takes a MapQuest bounding box object and returns an L.LatLng object that is the center of the bounding box.
var boundingBox = {
'ul': {
'lng': -77.089424,
'lat': 38.893276
'lr': {
'lng': -77.077087,
'lat': 38.848926
var center = L.mapquest.util.getCenterFromBoundingBox(boundingBox);
The getZoomFromBoundingBox function takes a MapQuest bounding box object and returns an integer that is the zoom level of a map that contains the bounding box. This function is helpful when creating a map from a directions response, where you have a bounding box but you do not have a zoom level.
var boundingBox = {
'ul': {
'lng': -77.089424,
'lat': 38.893276
'lr': {
'lng': -77.077087,
'lat': 38.848926
var zoom = L.mapquest.util.getZoomFromBoundingBox(boundingBox);
var boundingBox = {
'ul': {
'lng': -77.089424,
'lat': 38.893276
'lr': {
'lng': -77.077087,
'lat': 38.848926
var calculatedCenter = L.mapquest.util.getCenterFromBoundingBox(boundingBox);
var calculatedZoom = L.mapquest.util.getZoomFromBoundingBox(boundingBox);
var map ='map', {
center: calculatedCenter,
layers: L.mapquest.tileLayer('map'),
zoom: calculatedZoom