

A layer that shows the search results as text markers on a map. If markers collide, markers will reduce in size and hide text to prevent text collision. When the layer is zoomed in/out or panned past the buffer pixel value, search results will be updated.


L.mapquest.key = 'KEY';

let map ='basic-searchLayer-map', {
  center: [34.0522, -118.2437],
  layers: L.mapquest.tileLayer('map'),
  zoom: 15
  category: 'sic:581228F52',
  sort: 'relevance',
  bbox: map.getBounds(),
  pageSize: 50
}, createBasicSearchLayer);

function createBasicSearchLayer(err, response) {
    searchResponse: response


  • buffer Integer optional, defaults to 256

    The buffer, in pixels, that is used to calculate when to make a new search request when the map is panned by the user.

  • collisionMargin Integer optional, defaults to 2.

    The margin, in pixels, that is used when calculating if markers collide with each other.

  • marker Object optional

    An object containing any of the following key value options: icon, iconOptions, and popupEnabled.

    icon: A string that specifies the type of icon to be rendered. Default is 'via'.

    iconOptions: An object containing any of the following key value options: primaryColor, secondaryColor, size.

    • primaryColor: The string hex code primary color of the marker.

    • secondaryColor: The string hex code secondary color of the marker.

    • size: The size of the marker as a string: 'sm', 'md', or 'lg'. Default is 'lg'.

    popupEnabled: A boolean that specifies if a popup is enabled when hovering on markers in the search layer. Default is true.

  • paddingTopLeft Point optional, defaults to [20, 20]

    Sets the amount of padding in the top left corner of a map container that shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them to obscure objects you're zooming to.
  • paddingBottomRight Point optional, defaults to [20, 20]

    Sets the amount of padding in the bottom right corner of a map container that shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them to obscure objects you're zooming to.
  • searchResponse Object required

    A response object from the call. This is data that is used by the layer to render the search results.

  • updateResultsOnMapMove Boolean optional, defaults to true.

    A boolean that determines if new search requests are made when the map is panned or zoomed in/out.



Returns the search response object that is assigned to the layer.


Sets the search response object of the layer. This will cause the layer to redraw with new search results.


  • search_results_changed Event

    A search_results_changed event is fired when search results are updated on the layer either through map movement or the setSearchResponse function. The response object is returned.


    searchLayer.on('search_results_changed', function(eventResponse) {
  • search_marker_clicked Event

    A search_marker_clicked event is fired when a search marker is clicked. The search result is returned inside of the event object.


    searchLayer.on('search_marker_clicked', function(eventResponse) {

Visual Example

Circle Search Example

L.mapquest.key = 'KEY';

let map ='circle-searchLayer-map', {
  center: [34.0522, -118.2437],
  layers: L.mapquest.tileLayer('map'),
  zoom: 15
});[34.0522, -118.2437], {radius: 1609.34}).addTo(map);{
  q: 'hotels',
  sort: 'relevance',
  circle: {
    center: new L.LatLng(34.0522, -118.2437),
    radius: 1609.34
  pageSize: 50
}, createSearchLayer);

function createSearchLayer(err, response) {
    searchResponse: response,
    updateResultsOnMapMove: false