Recently, we had the opportunity to attend Street Fight’s annual Street Fight Summit in New York City as gold sponsors. The conference, which occurred from June 12-14, focuses on all things hyper local marketing.
MapQuest was on hand to promote our newly acquired SocialRadar point of interest (POI) dataset, as well as hand out awesome swag: t-shirts, water bottles, stickers and more. Word on the street is that we have some pretty killer swag.
Our Director of Business Development & Product – SocialRadar, Philippe Chetrit, also presented on the current pitfalls facing the location industry.
If you’re interested in learning about why low-fidelity points of interest data won’t cut it anymore, how SocialRadar debunks common location industry myths and why it matters for marketing professionals, check out his presentation here.
If you’re interested in learning more about our robust and highly accurate SocialRadar POIs, reach out to us at