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Search API

Status Codes

Status codes are returned for all Search API functions and are especially helpful when troubleshooting errors.

General Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
0A successful search call.
400Error with input - The error message will start with: "Illegal argument from request:" followed by the specific error condition.
403Key related error - The error message will attempt to explain why there was an error with the key and should provide a link to the Developer Network.
500Unknown error - The error message will start with: "Error processing request:" followed by the message from the exception.
601A Search's internal geocode is invalid for some reason, probably an incorrect location has been passed
602A Search's internal geocode failed, most likely the address doesn't exist
603A Search's internal routing failed, most likely an invalid location or internal error
609No search data was provided, please supply a Map, Hosted, or Remote data object to search
610A Search generated an ambiguous geocode result, more that one possible result has been found for your address

Hosted Data Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
611Hosted Data general error
612Hosted Data format is invalid or missing a value
613Hosted Data object was expected, and is missing

Remote Data Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
620Remote Data General Error
621Remote data format is invalid or missing a value

Paging Data Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
640Paging General Error
641Missing paging key, please provide
642Invalid or expired paging key

Radius Search Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
650Radius search error, no origin provided or invalid origin

Rectangle Search Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
660Missing bounding box, please supply a boundingBox or two locations
661Invalid bounding box. The boundingBox, or locations, provided do not contain incorrect values to make a valid upper left and lower right bounding box

Polygon Search Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
670Polygon shape is missing, please provide the polygon shape points, or a list of 3+ locations for the search boundary
671Locations used in the polygon search are invalid. You probably have less than three locations.
672An error in relation to the donut hole of a polygon

Corridor Search Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
680Missing corridor shape, please provide a valid corridor shape with the request
681Invalid Session Id for a route, either the id is invalid or expired.

Shape Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
690Shape was missing when expected, check the message to determine the missing shape
691Shape passed was invalid, please check you shape format and make sure it matches the passed shapeFormat parameter